One District One Product

The scheme adopts the ‘One District One Product (ODOP)’ approach to reap the benefit of scale in terms of procurement of produce, availing common services and marketing of products. ODOP for the scheme will provide the framework for value chain development and alignment of support infrastructure in that very district.

Support for agricultural products would be for their processing along with efforts to reduce wastage, proper assaying and storage & marketing. Existing individual micro-units producing ODOP products of the particular district would be given preference. However, existing units producing other products would also be supported. In the case of capital investment by groups (FPOs/ FPCs, SHGs, Producer Cooperatives), predominately those involved in ODOP products would be supported. Groups processing other products in such districts having adequate technical, financial and entrepreneurial strength would also be supported. New units, whether for individuals or groups, would only be supported for ODOP products.

Support for common infrastructure and marketing & branding would only be for ODOP products. In case of support for marketing & branding at the state or regional level, the same products of districts not having that product as ODOP could also be included.

Punjab ODOPs

Punjab Agro Industries Corporation on behalf of the State Government conducted a Baseline Study in August-September, 2020 and finalized ODOPs for all the districts.  District-wise ‘One District One Product’ is hereunder:

*Being proposed by District Administration
