Support to FPOs/ SHGs/ Producer Cooperatives

The scheme supports clusters and groups such as FPOs/ SHGs/ Producer Cooperatives along their entire value chain for setting up of common infrastructure i.e. sorting, grading, assaying, storage, processing, packaging, marketing and testing laboratories.

FPOs and Producer Cooperatives would be provided

  • Credit linked grant @ 35% for setting up of Common Infrastructure
  • Free training & handholding support
  • Rs. 50,000/- for preparation of DPR

SHGs would be supported:

  • Support to individual SHG members as a single unit of food processing industry with credit linked grant @ 35% with the maximum amount being Rs. 10 lakh.
  • Support for capital investment at the federation of SHG level, with credit linked grant @ 35%. The maximum limit grant in such cases would be as prescribed.
  • Training & Handholding support to SHGs: The local trained resource persons from Punjab State Rural Livelihood Mission (PSRLM) and Punjab State Urban Livelihood Mission (PSULM) having expertise in agro-produce/ food processing would be made available for training, upgradation of units, DPR preparation, handholding support etc.